and values

Wishing to leave the minimum carbon footprint, we use materials and tools that bear the minimum impact on the environment.

.01 Raw materials

The raw materials we use for our jewels are recycled silver, sea stones as well as semi-precious stones.

.02 Tools

The jewelry process is made by using the minimum of mechanical means and by implementing traditional silversmith techniques in our eco-friendly silversmithing laboratory.

.03 Packaging

Our packaging materials are completely recyclable. We use paper, thiraiki ghi (lava from Santorini island) and natural jute painted with traditional techniques.

The packaging box, together with the bag, does not bear our logo so that both can be reusable as you wish.

Upon your every purchase you are kindly requested to inform us whether you wish to be sent a gift bag. In this way, you help us reduce the paper consumption.

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